Now showing items 46-50 of 59

    • Dynamic size tuning of multidimensional optically bound matter 

      Brzobohaty, Oto; Karasek, Vitezslav; Cizmar, Tomas; Zemanek, Pavel (2011-09) - Journal article
      We generate and dynamically control one-, two- and three-dimensional optically bound structures of soft matter in the geometry of counter-propagating incoherent laser beams. We report results for the Bessel, Gaussian, and ...
    • Human tissue in systems medicine 

      Caie, Peter David; Schuur, Klaas; Oniscu, Anca; Mullen, Peter; Reynolds, Paul Andrew; Harrison, David James (2013-12) - Journal item
      Histopathology, the examination of an architecturally artefactual, two dimensional, static image remains a potent tool allowing diagnosis and empirical expectation of prognosis. Considerable optimism exists that the advent ...
    • Femtosecond optoinjection of intact tobacco BY-2 cells using a reconfigurable photoporation platform 

      Mitchell, C.A.; Kalies, S.; Cizmár, T.; Heisterkamp, A.; Torrance, L.; Roberts, A.G.; Gunn-Moore, F.J.; Dholakia, K. (2013-11-14) - Journal article
      A tightly-focused ultrashort pulsed laser beam incident upon a cell membrane has previously been shown to transiently increase cell membrane permeability while maintaining the viability of the cell, a technique known as ...
    • Differential timing of gene expression regulation between leptocephali of the two Anguilla eel species in the Sargasso Sea 

      Bernatchez, Louis; St-Cyr, Jerome; Normandeau, Eric; Maes, Gregory; Als, Thomas; Kalujnaia, Svetlana; Cramb, Gordon; Castonguay, Martin; Hansen, Michael (2011-12) - Journal article
      The unique life-history characteristics of North Atlantic catadromous eels have long intrigued evolutionary biologists, especially with respect to mechanisms that could explain their persistence as two ecologically very ...
    • Fluorescence suppression using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy in fiber-probe-based tissue analysis 

      Balagopal, Bavishna; Ashok, Praveen Cheriyan; Mazilu, Michael; Riches, Andrew Clive; Herrington, C Simon; Dholakia, Kishan (2012-07-09) - Journal article
      In the field of biomedical optics, Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool for probing the chemical composition of biological samples. In particular, fiber Raman probes play a crucial role for in vivo and ex vivo tissue ...