Dynamic size tuning of multidimensional optically bound matter
We generate and dynamically control one-, two- and three-dimensional optically bound structures of soft matter in the geometry of counter-propagating incoherent laser beams. We report results for the Bessel, Gaussian, and Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes and particularly focus on the influence of the lateral dimensions of the beam profile on the resulting self-arranged optically bound structures. Employing the transfer of the orbital angular momentum of light in the Laguerre-Gaussian beams, we show that optically bound structures can conserve their spatial arrangements even while orbiting along the beam circumference.
Brzobohaty , O , Karasek , V , Cizmar , T & Zemanek , P 2011 , ' Dynamic size tuning of multidimensional optically bound matter ' , Applied Physics Letters , vol. 99 , no. 10 , 101105 . https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3634007
Applied Physics Letters
Peer reviewed
Journal article
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