Now showing items 91-95 of 301

    • Generics, modality, and morality 

      Thakral, Ravi (University of St Andrews, 2019-12-04) - Thesis
      The issues in this dissertation reside at the intersections of, and relationships between, topics concerning the meaning of generic generalizations, natural language modality, the nature and role of moral principles, and ...
    • Taking moral indeterminacy seriously : in defence of compatibility between moral realism and indeterminacy 

      Kim, Jiwon (University of St Andrews, 2019-12-04) - Thesis
      Moral indeterminacy appears to be incompatible with moral realism at first glance because moral realists believe that there are objective moral facts in the world, which seem determinate. Given the commitment to objective ...
    • Analogy, rule-following and meaning 

      Williams, Andrew Simeon (University of St Andrews, 2018-06-28) - Thesis
      In this thesis, I argue that meaning something by a linguistic expression should be thought to consist, not in following a rule, but in drawing an analogy. I argue that using a linguistic expression meaningfully involves ...
    • Vehicle relationism : essays on samethinking and samesaying 

      Vikesdal, Sara Kasin (University of St Andrews, 2019-12-04) - Thesis
      This thesis is about the nature of samethinking and samesaying. These notions are broad and capture various distinct but related phenomena. I will focus on two particular understandings of ‘samethinking’, and on one ...
    • When others fail to comply : Kant on revolution, self-defence, and lying 

      Lo Re, Stefano (University of St Andrews, 2019-12-04) - Thesis
      According to a prominent line of interpretation, Kantians must sometimes choose between leaving individuals defenceless against evil or developing strategies to mitigate the stringency of duties in the face of others’ bad ...