Now showing items 86-90 of 301

    • The dignity of persons : Kantian ethics and utilitarianism 

      Sierra Vélez, Lucas (University of St Andrews, 2020-07-27) - Thesis
      This work is an attempt to develop a general ethical framework, the product of the synthesis of Kantian ethics and Utilitarianism, giving us a basic account of the dignity of persons and the structure of the moral community. ...
    • Plato on time as a cosmic phenomenon 

      Lazzarini, Lorenzo (University of St Andrews, 2020-07-27) - Thesis
      The thesis presents an original interpretation of the account of time in the Timaeus (37c6-39e2), arguing that time in Plato is best conceived of as a cosmic phenomenon. In Part I, my view is contrasted in crucial respects ...
    • Remember the medium! : film, medium specificity, and response-dependence 

      Torregrossa, Clotilde (University of St Andrews, 2020-06-22) - Thesis
      Medium specificity is a theory, or rather a cluster of arguments, in aesthetics that rests on the idea that media are the physical material that makes up artworks, and that this material contains specific and unique features ...
    • Fiction and its objects 

      Watkins, Ashley Everett (University of St Andrews, 2020-06-22) - Thesis
      This thesis develops a metaphysics of fictional objects that is embedded in a theory of fictional practice and maximally preserves the meanings of our fictional utterances. I begin by asking two questions: How can it be ...
    • The anatomy of aesthetic experience 

      Ursell, James (University of St Andrews, 2020-06-22) - Thesis
      The primary aim of this thesis is to formulate an intensional definition of aesthetic experience. Its secondary aims are (i) to show how this definition might be used for empirical research and (ii) to better understand ...