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dc.contributor.authorNalimov, A.G.
dc.contributor.authorStafeev, S.S.
dc.contributor.authorO'Faolain, L.
dc.contributor.authorKotlyar, V.V.
dc.contributor.editorGenina, Elina A.
dc.contributor.editorDerbov, Vladimir L.
dc.contributor.editorLarin, Kirill V.
dc.contributor.editorPostnov, Dmitry E.
dc.contributor.editorTuchin, Valerie V.
dc.identifier.citationNalimov , A G , Stafeev , S S , O'Faolain , L & Kotlyar , V V 2014 , Four-zone reflective polarization conversion plate . in E A Genina , V L Derbov , K V Larin , D E Postnov & V V Tuchin (eds) , Saratov Fall Meeting 2014 : Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine XVI; Laser Physics and Photonics XVI; and Computational Biophysics . vol. 9448 , Proceedings of SPIE , vol. 9448 , SPIE .
dc.descriptionThe work was partially funded by the Russian Foundation Basic Research grants ## 13-07-97008, 14-07-31092, and 14-07-97039, the Russian Federation Presidential grant for state support of young Russian scientists with Candidate's degree MK-4816.2014.2, and the Russian Federation Presidential grant for state support of young Russian scientists with Doctor’s degree MD-1929.2013.2.en
dc.description.abstractBinary diffraction optical element was designed for polarization conversion from linear to radial. A grating period was equal to 400 nm, a relief height was equal to 110 nm. Simulation by FDTD method and Rayleight-Zommerfeld integral shown that there are radial polarized light beam in the far field with smooth angle dependence on the beam circle observation position. It was shown experimentally, that a gaussian laser beam with wavelength of 633 nm reflected from the polarization conversion plate contain a radially polarized light.
dc.relation.ispartofSaratov Fall Meeting 2014en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProceedings of SPIEen
dc.rightsCopyright 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited. Nalimov, A. G., Stafeev, S. S., O'Faolain, L., & Kotlyar, V. V. "Four-zone reflective polarization conversion plate," In Genina, E. A., Derbov, V. L., Larin, K. V., Postnov, D. E., & Tuchin, V. V. (Eds.), Saratov Fall Meeting 2014. (Proceedings of SPIE). SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering.
dc.subjectRadial polarizationen
dc.subjectSubwavelength gratingen
dc.subjectPolarization converteren
dc.subjectQC Physicsen
dc.titleFour-zone reflective polarization conversion plateen
dc.typeBook itemen
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of St Andrews.School of Physics and Astronomyen
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of St Andrews.Microphotonics and Photonic Crystals Groupen

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