Student perspectives in quantum physics
Introductory courses in classical physics are promoting in students a realist perspective, made up in part by the belief that all physical properties of a system can be simultaneously specified, and thus determined at all future times. Such a perspective can be problematic for introductory quantum physics students, who must develop new framings of epistemic and ontological resources in order to properly interpret what it means to have knowledge of quantum systems. We document this evolution in student thinking in part through pre/post instruction evaluations using the CLASS attitude survey. We further characterize variations in student epistemic and ontological commitments by examining responses to an essay question, coupled with responses to supplemental quantum attitude statements. We find that, after instruction in modern physics, many students are still exhibiting a realist perspective in contexts where a quantum perspective is needed. We also find that this effect can be significantly influenced by instruction, where we observe variations for courses with differing learning goals.
Baily , C & Finkelstein , N D 2008 , Student perspectives in quantum physics . in C Henderson , M Sabella & L Hsu (eds) , 2008 Physics Education Research Conference . AIP Conference Proceedings , vol. 1064 , American Institute of Physics , Melville, NY, USA , pp. 67-70 , Physics Education Research Conference 2008 , Edmonton , Canada , 23/07/08 . conference
2008 Physics Education Research Conference
Conference item
Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The article appeared in AIP Conf. Proc. 1064, pp. 67-70 and may be found at
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