Philosophy Research
St Andrews is one of the leading international centres for philosophy in Britain. We offer graduate teaching at a level that matches the best graduate programmes elsewhere in the world, in a wide area of philosophy and the history of philosophy.
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Recent Submissions
Sosa on epistemic value : a Kantian obstacle
(2018-02-17) - Journal itemIn recent work, Sosa proposes a comprehensive account of epistemic value based on an axiology for attempts. According to this axiology, an attempt is better if it succeeds, better still if it is apt (i.e., succeeds through ... -
Is Weak Supplementation analytic?
(2021-08) - Journal articleMereological principles are often controversial; perhaps the most stark contrast is between those who claim that Weak Supplementation is analytic—constitutive of our notion of proper parthood—and those who argue that the ... -
How natural is a unified notion of time? Temporal experience in early Greek thought
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017-05-10) - Book item -
The semantic error problem for epistemic contextualism
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017-03-22) - Book item -
Counting the Particles : Entity and Identity in the Philosophy of Physics
(2017-04-01) - Journal articleI would like to attack a certain view: The view that the concept of identity can fail to apply to some things although, for some positive integer n, we have n of them. The idea of entities without self-identity is seriously ...