Now showing items 31-35 of 76

    • Decision problems in groups of homeomorphisms of Cantor space 

      Olukoya, Feyisayo (University of St Andrews, 2018-12-06) - Thesis
      The Thompson groups $F, T$ and $V$ are important groups in geometric group theory: $T$ and $V$ being the first discovered examples of finitely presented infinite simple groups. There are many generalisations of these groups ...
    • On plausible counterexamples to Lehnert's conjecture 

      Bennett, Daniel (University of St Andrews, 2018) - Thesis
      A group whose co-word problem is a context free language is called co𝐶𝐹 . Lehnert's conjecture states that a group 𝐺 is co𝐶𝐹 if and only if 𝐺 embeds as a finitely generated subgroup of R. Thompson's group V . In this ...
    • Commutativity and free products in Thompson's group V 

      Bieniecka, Ewa (University of St Andrews, 2018-06-26) - Thesis
      We broaden the theory of dynamical interpretation, investigate the property of commutativity and explore the subject of subgroups forming free products in Thompson's group V. We expand Brin's terminology for a revealing ...
    • Proof search issues in some non-classical logics 

      Howe, Jacob M. (University of St Andrews, 1999) - Thesis
      This thesis develops techniques and ideas on proof search. Proof search is used with one of two meanings. Proof search can be thought of either as the search for a yes/no answer to a query (theorem proving), or as the ...
    • The construction of finite soluble factor groups of finitely presented groups and its application 

      Wegner, Alexander (University of St Andrews, 1992) - Thesis
      Computational group theory deals with the design, analysis and computer implementation of algorithms for solving computational problems involving groups, and with the applications of the programs produced to interesting ...