Scottish Oceans Institute Research
The Scottish Oceans Institute is an interdisciplinary research institute studying the marine environment which forms a key focus for research excellence in marine-related science. Our research interests range from the deep oceans to the coasts, and from the people who use and interact with the sea, to the biological and physical processes that make the oceans function.
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Recent Submissions
BayesPiles : visualisation support for Bayesian network structure learning
(2018-11) - Journal articleWe address the problem of exploring, combining, and comparing large collections of scored, directed networks for understanding inferred Bayesian networks used in biology. In this field, heuristic algorithms explore the ... -
Surveying abundance and stand type associations of Formica aquilonia and F. lugubris (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) nest mounds over an extensive area : Trialing a novel method
(2012-01-03) - Journal articleRed wood ants are ecologically important members of woodland communities, and some species are of conservation concern. They occur commonly only in certain habitats in Britain, but there is limited knowledge of their numbers ... -
Assessing the utility and limitations of accelerometers and machine learning approaches in classifying behaviour during lactation in a phocid seal
(2018-10-16) - Journal articleBackground: Classifying behaviour with animal-borne accelerometers is quickly becoming a popular tool for remotely observing behavioural states in a variety of species. Most accelerometry work in pinnipeds has focused on ... -
The potential for Assemblage thinking in population geography : assembling population, space and place
(2018-04-10) - Journal articleThis study explores ‘Assemblage’ thinking as an approach for population geography research. The paper highlights the recent prominence of Assemblage thinking in human geography, before exploring the potential opportunities ... -
Sex-related differences in the postmolt distribution of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in the southern Weddell Sea
(2018-04) - Journal articleThe population of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in the southern Weddell Sea is in a unique position on the continental shelf edge, with vast shelf waters to the south, and deep Southern Ocean to the north. We ...