Paraglacial modification of drift-mantled hillslopes
The aim of the research reported in this thesis is to establish the
characteristics of paraglacial modification of drift-mantled hillslopes in glaciated
upland valleys in Norway and Scotland. Debris flow represents the principal
agent of paraglacial sediment reworking, though snow avalanches and slopewash
are locally important. Paraglacial hillslope modification is most widespread in
areas of thick drift where initial slopes exceed c. 30°, void ratio exceeds c. 0.35,
and water input is focused both spatially and temporally. Paraglacially-reworked
sediments preserve most of the characteristics of the parent tills, but differ in
terms of preferred clast orientation and structural and lithofacies characteristics.
Stratigraphic relations between tills and reworked sediments imply cyclic
alternation of glacial and paraglacial sediment transport. Paraglacial slope
adjustment follows a sequence involving (1) rapid gully incision; (2) widening of
gullies, and accumulation of debris cones at the slope foot; (3) reduction and
destruction of inter-gully divides, and formation of a slope-foot apron of
coalescing cones; (4) extensive exposure of bedrock at the crest of the slope,
resulting in sediment exhaustion and progressive stabilisation. Slope profiles tend
to converge on a maximum gradient of c. 28° and a concavity index of c. 0.22. At
the most active sites, 2-4 m of gully lowering has occurred within decades of
deglaciation, implying minimum erosion rates averaging c. 90 mm yr ⁻¹. In
Scotland delayed or renewed reworking of drift-mantled slopes has occurred
several millennia after deglaciation. Radiocarbon dating of buried palaeosols
indicates intermittent drift reworking by debris flows throughout the past 6.5 ka,
with some evidence for accelerated activity at c. 2.7-1.7 cal ka BP and after c. 0.7
cal ka BP. Three-dimensional conceptual models are developed to describe the
sequence of both immediate and delayed or renewed paraglacial hillslope
modification, and the landforms and sediment associations characteristic (and
diagnostic) of paraglaciallandsystems in passive continental margins.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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