Geography & Geosciences (Previous name for currents schools of Earth & Environmental Sciences and ...)
From 1st January 2017, the School of Geography & Geosciences split into two new and separate schools:
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
School of Geography & Sustainable Development
This community contains research that was carried out in the school prior to this split, when it was known by its previous name of the School of Geography & Geosciences.
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
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Seismic prospection for oil in Poland
(University of St Andrews, 1945) - ThesisThe paper consists of three parts: The first part deals in general with seismic prospection concerning refraction work in Poland, which owing to an almost lack of publications is mainly descriptive. The second and third ... -
Alteration of Ballantrae lavas, Ayrshire
(University of St Andrews, 1990) - ThesisThe Pinbain Block of the Ballantrae Complex has suffered a very low grade metamorphism, with the formation of albite-chlorite-sphene mineral assemblages. The base of the succession also has prehnite and pumpellyite, ... -
Investigations into a macrosegregated, differentiated dolerite dyke, northern Skye, Scotland
(University of St Andrews, 1993) - ThesisThe Mystery Dyke is a differentiated dolerite sheet intruded along hexagonal joints of the Bornaskitaig leaf of the Little Minch Sill Complex (L.M.S.C.)/ northern Skye. Near-vertical banding parallel to the margins and ... -
Heavy mineral analyses and facies interpretations of part of the calciferous sandstone measures, Pittenweem, E. Fife, Scotland
(University of St Andrews, 1990) - ThesisA vertical section of fluvio - deltaic sediments of Dinantian age is exposed along the coast in Fife. These sediments form a series of cycles and cycle types evolving by progradation into a shallow bay area at the eastern ... -
Theoretical and practical geological remote sensing in an arid environment : Landsat MSS imagery of the Central Zone of the Damara Orogen, Namibia
(University of St Andrews, 1995-07-07) - ThesisTwo adjacent Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) scenes have been digitally processed and enhanced to maximise the display of geological information contained within imagery covering the western portion of the Central ...