Divinity Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 91-95 of 627
Ulrich von Hutten : knight, humanist and reformer, 1519-1520
(University of St Andrews, 2006) - ThesisThis thesis examines the thought of the knight, humanist and patriotic reformer Ulrich von Hutten in 1519 and 1520. It focuses on four of his Latin dialogues: Arminius. Bulla vel Bullicida. Monitor Primus and Monitor ... -
The eschatology of the Areopagus Speech (Acts 17:22-31)
(University of St Andrews, 1977) - ThesisThe eschatology of the Areopagus Speech is unique in the New Testament not only in its avoidance of the idea of catastrophe that we find in the synoptic tradition (Mk. 13:5-27; Mt. 23:3—31; Lk. 21:7-28), but also in its ... -
The 'Titanomachy' of Thallus and its reception by the Latin Church Fathers
(University of St Andrews, 2000) - ThesisThis thesis is concerned with two subjects: principally euhemerism, but also intertextuality in early Christian literature. All of the fragments of Thallus, a first or second century A.D. Greek historian, are dealt with ... -
From roots to rites : practice logics and the 'heir' to metaphysics
(University of St Andrews, 2006) - ThesisOne of the prevalent themes in recent theologies and philosophies of religion, especially those with a sensitivity to continental philosophy and theory more broadly, has been the problem of 'metaphysics'. This thesis seeks ... -
Monatism : its ancient sources and modern interpretations
(University of St Andrews, 1976) - ThesisAs in the Early Church the Montanist movement led to heated debate, so in the last two centuries it has lent itself to diverse interpretations. Of the latter, those which ascribe it in part to geographical, climatic or ...