Non-uniform coverage estimators for distance sampling.
Allocation of sampling effort in the context of distance sampling is considered.
Specifically, allocation of effort in proportion to portions of the survey region that likely
contain high concentrations of animals are explored. The probability of a portion of the
survey region being included in the sample is proportional to the estimated number of
animals in that portion. These estimated numbers of animals may be derived from a
density surface model. This results in unequal coverage probability, and a Horvitz-
Thompson like estimator can be used to estimate population abundance. The properties
of this estimator is explored here via simulation. The benefits, measured in terms of
increased precision over traditional equal coverage probability estimators, are meagre,
and largely manifested when the underlying population distribution is a smooth gradient.
CREEM technical report ; 2007-01
Previously in the University eprints HAIRST pilot service at
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