Computer Science Research
All of our academic staff are research active, working with a team of post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers and a lively population of research students. Our research focuses on core themes of theoretical and practical computer science: artificial intelligence and symbolic computation, networked and distributed systems, systems engineering, and human computer interaction.
For more information please visit the School of Computer science home page.
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Recent Submissions
Simplified cloud instance selection
(ACM, 2018-04-23) - Conference itemCloud computing delivers computational services to anyone over the internet. The cloud providers offer these services through a simplified billing model where customers can rent services based on the types of computing ... -
Supervisor recommendation tool for Computer Science projects
(ACM, 2019-01-09) - Conference itemIn most Computer Science programmes, students are required to undertake an individual project under the guidance of a supervisor during their studies. With increasing student numbers, matching students to suitable supervisors ... -
Proof-carrying plans
(Springer, 2019-01) - Conference itemIt is becoming increasingly important to verify safety and security of AI applications. While declarative languages (of the kind found in automated planners and model checkers) are traditionally used for verifying AI ... -
Employing domain specific discriminative information to address inherent limitations of the LBP descriptor in face recognition
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-10-15) - Conference itemThe local binary patern (LBP) descriptor and its derivatives have a demonstrated track record of good performance in face recognition. Nevertheless the original descriptor, the framework within which it is employed, and ... -
Enabling single-handed interaction in mobile and wearable computing
(ACM, 2018-10-11) - Conference itemMobile and wearable computing are increasingly pervasive as people carry and use personal devices in everyday life. Screen sizes of such devices are becoming larger and smaller to accommodate both intimate and practical ...