Recontextualising a singing treasure : Eve De Castro-Robinson’s Clarion
This paper is partially presented as a personal narrative or piece of autoethnography. What follows is an account of how I came to commission a new trumpet concerto by leading New Zealand composer Eve De Castro-Robinson’s for trumpet and pūtātara (name given to a conch shell adapted with a wooden mouthpiece by the Māori people). Over the past four decades traditional Māori instruments from New Zealand (called taonga pūoro or ‘singing treasures’) have had a major revival in the hands of musicians, scholars and instrument makers. The writing considers what I feel to be the ethical considerations of playing a when I myself am Pākehā (of European descent).
Williams , B 2020 , ' Recontextualising a singing treasure : Eve De Castro-Robinson’s Clarion ' , Paper presented at CFP: Words, Music and Marginalisation (27.03.2020) , St Andrews , United Kingdom , 1/09/20 - 3/09/20 . conference
Non peer reviewed
Conference paper
Copyright 2020, the author.
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