Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences Research
The Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences is an interdisciplinary community of researchers who study the behaviour of human beings and other animals from cellular, neural, cognitive and evolutionary perspectives. The Institute brings together faculty members, research staff and students from the Schools of Biology, Psychology, Medicine and Chemistry, with the aim of fostering progress at interfaces of the behavioural and neural sciences.
For more information please visit the Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences home page
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Recent Submissions
BayesPiles : visualisation support for Bayesian network structure learning
(2018-11) - Journal articleWe address the problem of exploring, combining, and comparing large collections of scored, directed networks for understanding inferred Bayesian networks used in biology. In this field, heuristic algorithms explore the ... -
Images as proximity sensors : the incidence of conspecific foraging in Antarctic fur seals
(2015-09-29) - Journal articleBackground: Although there have been recent advances in the development of animal-attached ‘proximity’ tags to remotely record the interactions of multiple individuals, the efficacy of these devices depends on the ... -
Stimulation of glia reveals modulation of mammalian spinal motor networks by adenosine
(2015-08-07) - Journal articleDespite considerable evidence that glia can release modulators to influence the excitability of neighbouring neurons, the importance of gliotransmission for the operation of neural networks and in shaping behaviour remains ... -
A genetic algorithm for face fitting
(2012-02) - Conference paperAccurate estimation of the shape of human faces has many applications from computer-imaging to psychological research. One well known method is to fit a Three Dimensional Morphable Model to a target image. This method is ... -
Perceptual integration across natural monocular regions
(2014-03-05) - Journal articleNatural scenes contain hidden regions, or occlusions, that differ in the two eyes, resulting in monocular regions that can only be seen by one eye. Such monocular regions appear to not be suppressed but seem to be integrated ...