River channel planform changes in upland Scotland : with specific reference to climate fluctuation and landuse changes over the last 250 years
Rates of river channel change in three contrasting Scottish upland
environments have been studied within the context of Climatic
fluctuation and landuse changes over the last 250 years. The object of
the research was to assess the spatial and temporal variation in channel
types, the main controls on channel pattern and the dominant modes of
channel adjustment. This was undertaken in a hierarchic framework with
sites being investigated at three spatial scales.
At a macro-scale, the spatial and temporal variation in channel
pattern was evaluated through a random sample of river channel segments
for each study area, derived from the first and second editions of the
1:10,560 0.S. maps plus the 1:10,000 third edition. Each channel
segment was classified within a map-based channel system typology,
specifically constructed for upland Scotland. Measures of activity
collected for each sample incorporated sinuosity, braiding and lateral
shift indices. Flood histories were reconstructed for each study area
on the basis of discharge records, long rainfall records and
contemporary accounts, to assess if there was any evidence for climatic
change, fluctuation or periodicities. Estimates of the recurrence
interval of rainfall and runoff events of differing magnitude, frequency
and duration were assessed. Data, mainly of a qualitative nature, were
derived from contemporary sources and estate plans to evaluate whether
any landuse changes could have changed the runoff regime and sediment
mobility within each catchment.
At a meso-scale, 7 to 9 channel segments (already identified as
"active" within the macro-scale study) were subject to a more detailed
process-response analysis, using sequential aerial photographs. Finally
at a micro-scale, the unit stream powers at these sites were studied in
relation to specific runoff rates thereby relating channel process to
channel form.
The strength of the controls on channel planform type varied in
degree with the area studied. The glacial legacy, the positioning of
local baselevels and sediment size were found to be dominant controls.
In terms of channel dynamics, the position of the Channel planform in
relation to process thresholds and the existence of a quasi-equilibrium
condition were both very important. In terms of process-response, the
following general observations hold true. An extreme event of high RI
(>100 years) will have a major disruptive impact if there is room for
expansion of the channel system and providing thresholds for sediment
transport are exceeded. If these thresholds are high, the fact that the
channel has not recently been disrupted may also be important. The
modes of expansion across the active area depend on the type of channel
involved. Different study areas have different types of Channel
pattern present and thus a greater likelihood of certain types of
planform adjustment. The role of more moderate events (10-50 years)
varies principally with sediment size and Channel slope. Small-scale
modification may take place where stream powers associated with more
moderate events exceed competence thresholds.
It was found that process rates were highly variable in both time
and space and that present rates were not necessarily representative of
the past 250 years. Even within this timespan, there have been periods
of increased activity in response to increased discharges of moderate
magnitude (eg. 1870s-1880s within the Dee study area) and random
extreme magnitude floods (eg. between 1948-1956 in the Tweed study
area). The impact of landuse change, especially in relation to sediment
mobilisation (Dee and Spey study areas), and speed of runoff (Tweed study
area) also appeared to be important.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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