Modern Languages (School of)
St Andrews has a long-standing reputation in particular for research in French, German, Italian, Russian and Hispanic Studies, and has expanded its interests to include Arabic, Persian and Comparative Literature. We also have a number of research institutes which allow colleagues with shared interests in different departments to work on research projects together. In addition to these concentrations, with their respective areas of interest covering a wealth of disciplines which include world literature, linguistics, cinema, history, gender, identity studies, and comparative literature.
For more information please visit the School of Modern Languages home page.
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A mythological study of the conceptions of kingship in the Iranian imagination : the double-natured king-priest from Jamshid and Zahhāk to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Ruhollah Khomeini
(2025-07-01) - ThesisThis thesis examines the myth of Jamshid and Zahhāk as a narrative that has reflected and influenced the depictions of the ideals and pitfalls of rulership in Persian literature from historical times to the modern era. It ... -
Multilingualism, mourning, and (m)other tongues : women writing exile in transnational autofiction
(2025-07-01) - ThesisIn my thesis, Multilingualism, Mourning, and (M)Other Tongues: Women Writing Exile in Transnational Autofiction, I analyse autofictional texts by transnational writers Jessica Au, Nina Bouraoui, Claudia Durastanti, Assia ... -
"Todos somos Americanos" : Joel Poinsett’s mission as the first diplomatic envoy of the United States in Mexico, 1825-1829
(2025-07-01) - ThesisThis doctoral thesis examines the first diplomatic mission of the United States in Mexico, led from 1825 to 1829 by Joel Poinsett—the diplomat after whom the poinsettia was named. Poinsett's mission to negotiate treaties ... -
Faith and feminism : mysticism, theology and the Bible in the works of Moderata Fonte and Lucrezia Marinella
(2024-12-04) - ThesisAbstract redacted -
Sites of resistance, or sights of pleasure? Subversive queer aesthetics in Russian music videos of the 2010s
(2024-12-04) - ThesisOn 30th June 2013, the Russian Parliament passed the so-called Anti-Gay Propaganda Law, which aimed to prohibit the spread of information of ‘non-traditional sexual orientation’ among minors, as well as prohibiting any ...