Arabic and Persian
Arabic has been taught in various forms at St Andrews for several centuries and the Department has an excellent record of academic scholarship in Islamic studies, Arab and wider Middle Eastern history and mediaeval and modern Arabic literatures.
The Persian Department focuses on Modern Persian language, literature, drama, song, visual culture and cinema, but students are also introduced to classical literary texts.
For more information please visit the Department of Arabic home page
and the Department of Persian home page.This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
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Recent Submissions
A mythological study of the conceptions of kingship in the Iranian imagination : the double-natured king-priest from Jamshid and Zahhāk to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Ruhollah Khomeini
(2025-07-01) - ThesisThis thesis examines the myth of Jamshid and Zahhāk as a narrative that has reflected and influenced the depictions of the ideals and pitfalls of rulership in Persian literature from historical times to the modern era. It ... -
The image of utopia in modern Persian poetry from 1941 to 1988
(2023-11-29) - ThesisThis thesis explores the portrayal of utopia in modern Persian poetry between 1941 and 1988. The study begins by examining classical utopias in the Persian-speaking world and then delves into the transformations of utopias ... -
Post-2003 Iraqi fiction. Voice, audiences, and narrative authority
(2023-11-29) - ThesisThe thesis addresses the non-realist trend of Iraqi fiction written after the US occupation of 2003. In particular, it focuses on the construction and characterisation of non-mimetic voices in this production. Within the ... -
The acquisition of Bradford English dialect features by adult speakers of Pakistani heritage
(2022-11-30) - ThesisThis thesis examines the multiple linguistic and social factors that condition dialect acquisition in second-language speakers of English living in Bradford, UK. More specifically, it provides a quantitative analysis of ... -
Title redacted
(2021-12-01) - Thesis