The Department of German is a flourishing and active community with a growing postgraduate presence. With a mixture of young and established scholars, a proven track record of teaching excellence and cutting-edge research in a number of disciplines, St Andrews is one of the few institutions in the UK able to offer such an imaginative, challenging, modern and diverse approach to the study of German.
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Recent Submissions
Gender, queer imagery and queer visibility in the German Democratic Republic
(2022-06-17) - ThesisIn this thesis, I explore the concept of queer visibility in the German Democratic Republic. I analyse a broad selection of literary and film texts, to ascertain how sexual and gender identities were conceptualised in the ... -
The impersonal passive in German of the type Es wurde getanzt : a structural analysis
(University of St Andrews, 2019-06-27) - Thesis -
Masculinities in contemporary German-language literature : strategies of evasion
(University of St Andrews, 2017-06-22) - ThesisIn the quest for a positive alternative male gender identity (anti-hegemonic masculinity), this thesis explores the representation of masculinities in contemporary German-language literature (focusing on Austria) by ... -
So sprach daz Wip : women in dialogue with lover and court in Middle High German and Romance lyrics of the twelfth century and early thirteenth centuries
(University of St Andrews, 1989-07) - ThesisIt is the purpose of this thesis to study a representative group of Middle High German poems, complemented in places by relevant Romance examples, in order to examine the image and position of the woman as portrayed through ... -
Bildung and initiation : interpreting German and American narrative traditions
(University of St Andrews, 2003) - ThesisThis thesis is divided into two main parts. The first, comprising the three initial chapters, looks, in chapter one, at the specifically German origins of the Bildungsroman, its distinctive features, and the difficulties ...