The formation of valley-wall rock glaciers
In recent years, the study of rock glaciers has increased remarkably. Substantive
progress has been made, particularly in understanding the formation of rock
glaciers that have developed adjacent to existing or former valley or cirque
glaciers, However, our understanding of valley-wall rock glaciers that are
located at the base of talus slopes remains scant. Published work exhibits little
consensus on the formation of valley-wall rock glaciers and several hypotheses
remain under vigorous debate. The major objective of the research reported in
this thesis has been to test the generality and feasibility of seven major models
of valley-wall rock glacier formation using both empirical and theoretical
evidence. The primary conclusion is that only one of these models, the
segregation ice model, emerges as a general model of valley-wall rock glacier
genesis. The model assumes that a thin layer or several thin layers of
segregated ice are overlain by interstitially frozen sediments and an unfrozen
mantle of coarse debris. A wide range of empirical and theoretical findings are
shown to be consistent with the implications of the segregation ice model.
Detailed observations on the morphology, sedimentology and distribution of
active, inactive and relict valley-wall rock glaciers studied in Switzerland,
northern Norway and Scotland provided a range of findings that support this
model. Theoretical evidence was obtained by modelling a number of different
density models that reflect different distribution of internal ice by applying a
simple laminar flow equation to field measurements. Although only the
segregation ice model appears to be valid at a general level, the possibility
cannot be excluded of alternative modes of valley-wall rock glacier formation
under particular circumstances. Snow avalanching, deformation of snowbank
or matrix ice, and basal sliding under conditions of high hydrostatic pressure all
constitute possible contributing mechanisms of formation and movement in
particular cases.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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