Re-constructing a Ukrainian Baptist understanding of the ecclesiological nature of associations of churches through dialogue with Paul S. Fiddes’ covenant ecclesiology
This thesis explores a Ukrainian Baptist understanding of the ecclesiological nature of associations of churches. The thesis re-constructs historical understanding of the nature of associations, maps the current perspective on associations and suggests its further development through constructive dialogue with Paul S. Fiddes’ covenant ecclesiology. In the process of reconstruction and mapping special attention is paid to associational practices, organisational structure and theological language and imagery related to associations of churches. The thesis demonstrates that Ukrainian Baptists understand associations of churches as ecclesial entities. This is evident in associational practices and the theological language and imagery they use with regard to associations. Employment of Fiddes’ concepts of the covenant, participation in the Trinity and theology of trust permits moving beyond pragmatic reasons for associating and mission and to construe associations as covenantal brotherhood in Christ that visualises unity of the Body of Christ, commits to mutual care through the ministry of trans-local ministers and participates in Christ’s mission in the world.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
Embargo Date: 2025-06-12
Embargo Reason: Thesis restricted in accordance with University regulations. Electronic copy restricted until 12th June 2025
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Re-constructing a Ukrainian Baptist understanding of the ecclesiological nature of associations of churches through dialogue with Paul S. Fiddes’ covenant ecclesiology (thesis data) Geychenko, O., University of St Andrews . DOI: resources in the St Andrews Research Repository are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.