The motif of thanksgiving in the New Testament
“Several years ago while preparing a Bible study on Colossians
for a women's study group, I became interested in the frequent
mentioning of thanksgiving in that book, and throughout the New
Testament, as an appropriate act or response for a Christian. I
began to ask, then, in what way thanksgiving and gratefulness were
involved in Christian discipleship in the New Testament. It seemed
at the time that thanksgiving, so easily considered commonplace, in
fact might be of fundamental significance to New Testament theology
and ethics. While I have now modified that provisional idea, I am
thoroughly convinced of a deliberate and significant role played by
the motif of thanksgiving in the life of the early Church.
In English translations of the New Testament the word 'thanksgiving' and its cognate terms 'gratefulness' and 'gratitude' are used
to render several different Greek words: the noun charis (Romans 7.25);
the verbs eulogein (Matthew 26.26), exhomologeisthai (Matthew 11.25),
anthomologeiomai (Luke 2.38), and eucharistein (I Corinthians 1.4);
and the phrase charin echein (Luke 17.9). Because of the number of
occurrences, and the consistency of translation of eucharistein (euoharistia, euchariatos) with the concept of 'thanksgiving' it
seemed reasonable to centre this study on eucharistein, drawing in
the other Greek words as their relationship to the more prominent
term became helpful.
When, a year ago, it became possible for me to concentrate
completely on this subject, it was suggested to me that the best place
to begin would be the thanksgiving periods opening the Pauline letters,
for here was a fixed form in which to examine thanksgiving, and a base
from which the study could branch out. The thanksgiving periods are
explored, therefore, as products of Hellenistic epistolary form in
Chapter I, and as products of Biblical and Hellenistic ideas of
gratitude in Chapter II. In Chapter III a proposal is discussed that
the New Testament occurrences of thanksgiving might be coloured to
some extent by Gnostic theology. These several proposals do not, I
think, produce sufficient explanation for the New Testament usage of
eucharistein. and in Chapters IV and V I turn to explore the employment of this term as a translation term from the motif of praise and
affirmation in Judaism which, I feel, does explain its use in the New
Testament. Chapter VI attempts to place this employment of eucharistein in relationship to other themes of the ancient world, and
concludes with a summation of the course of the study." -- from the Preface.
Thesis, MTh Master of Theology
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