Now showing items 11-12 of 12

    • A unified framework for modelling wildlife population dynamics 

      Thomas, Len; Buckland, Stephen T.; Newman, KB; Harwood, John (2005) - Journal article
      This paper proposes a unified framework for defining and fitting stochastic, discrete-time, discrete-stage population dynamics models. The biological system is described by a state–space model, where the true but unknown ...
    • WinBUGS for population ecologists: Bayesian modeling using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. 

      Giminez, O; Bonner, S J; King, Ruth; Parker, R A; Brooks, S P; Jamieson, L E; Grosbois, V; Morgan, B J T; Thomas, Len (Springer Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 2008) - Book item
      The computer package WinBUGS is introduced. We first give a brief introduction to Bayesian theory and its implementation using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. We then present three case studies showing how ...