Towards light sheet microscopy-based high throughput imaging and CRISPR optogenetics
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High Throughput Imaging (HTI) has an important role in the High Throughput/Content
Screening process (HTS/HCS). It is widely used in the drug discovery process and in a
wide range of other applications including studies focused on cell cycle, cell
proliferation, cell migration, apoptosis, protein expression, protein localization,
signalling pathways or stem cell development and differentiation. Nowadays, most of
the HCS experiments are performed on two-dimensional (2D) monolayer of cells
cultured on planar plastic substrates which do not reflect the complex 3D architecture
of a living tissues where the cells interact between each other and with the ExtraCellular
Matrix (ECM). Currently, the state-of-the-art HCS systems that can be used for high
throughput imaging of 3D cell culture models are based on confocal microscopy. Even
though very efficient, these machines can reach the million-dollar price and thus might
be affordable to big industry and phenotypic screening centres but not to most of
smaller realities such as academic laboratories. This thesis project proposes a solution
to link light sheet microscopy, one of the best techniques for the imaging of 3D cell
culture models, with the currently available HTS/HCS platforms: the development of the
affordable and user-friendly HT-LISH microscope first prototype have the potential to
offer automated light sheet microscopy-based HTI capabilities for the study of 3D
samples to industries, screening centres and also to smaller laboratories, where a lower
throughput level is eventually required.
Another important part of this PhD thesis is focused on CRISPR-based genome editing
which during the recent decades has become an invaluable tool in cell and tissue
biology. CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) and activation (CRISPRa) systems have been
developed to allow the users to up-or down-regulate any gene of interest in a relative
simple manner. Even though emerged as powerful techniques to regulate the gene
expression levels, these tools lack in spatiotemporal resolution. In order to study and
understand genetic patterns specific to a certain type of tissue it is important to achieve
a precise control over the CRISPRi/a systems so that they can be selectively targeted to
small populations of cells (spatial resolution) or be activated and de-activated at will
(temporal resolution). This work, describes the development and the characterization of the Red Light CRISPR system, a novel CRISPR-based tool for precise gene regulation
experiments that relies on the interaction of the Phytochrome B (PhyB) and
Phytochrome-Interacting Factor 6 (PIF6), two light sensitive protein from the plant
Arabidopsis Thaliana that dimerize under red light at 660 nm and separate when
illuminated with infrared light at 740 nm. The Red Light CRISPR system fuses together
the non-invasive and highly spatiotemporal resolved technique of optogenetics with the
“easy to use” and efficient CRISPR approach. This system is thus joining the already
available range of optogenetics tools that enable a precise spatiotemporal control of the
CRISPR system and, in particular, it introduces for the first time a red/infrared lightbased
CRISPR inducible system.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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