The petrology and mineral chemistry of the Shira ring complex, Northern Nigeria
The Shira complex belongs to the anorogenic
province of Niger and Nigeria. It is dominated by
peralkaline syenites and granites and has an estimated area
of 152 Apart from a related intrusion of granite
porphyry at Zigau to the southwest, the Shira complex can be
divided into three centres. Centre 1 is dominated by the
Shira quartz syenite and this has been intruded by a large
cone sheet of Birji granite and by microgranite dykes. These
peralkaline syenites and granites are believed to represent
successive intrusions from a progressively differentiating
magma chamber. The Birji granite has two facies
distinguished by the habit of the arfvedsonite and both facies exhibit layering. Centre 2 is composed of the Andaburi granite and a small intrusion of Amdulayi syenite. Centre 3 consists of the very poorly exposed Eldewo aluminous biotite granite.
The Zigau granite porphyry contains phenocrysts of
alkali feldspar, quartz, fayalite and ferrohedenbergite in a
quartzofeldspathic groundmass. The Shira quartz syenite
consists of microperthite, quartz, ferrorichterite-arfvedsonite and aenigmatite. The Birji granite contains
microperthite, quartz, arfvedsonite and a little aegirine,
and the dykes related to it have a similar mineralogy but
are more mafic-rich. The Andaburi granite consists of
microperthite, quartz, ferrorichterite-arfvedsonite and
aegirine. The Amdulayi syenite has three facies which
collectively contain microperthite, quartz, ferrowinchite-
arfvedsonite, aenigmatite and aegirine . The Eldewo granite
contains microperthite, quartz and biotite.
Several minerals have been discovered which are either
new to the province or are recorded for the first time in
Nigeria, namely, aegirine-hedenbergite, chevkinite and
In the Zigau granite porphyry, fayalite has a
composition of Fa93-100 and the pyroxene is
ferrohedenbergite with sodic margins. Amphiboles from the
Shira complex exhibit a compositional trend from
ferrorichterite or ferrowinchite to arfvedsonite. In the
syenitic rocks there are two periods of alkali pyroxene growth – early aegirine-hedenbergite and later aegirine,
separated by a period of anphibole and aenigmatite crystallisation. Aenigmatite occurs in the syenitic rocks,
which have the highest Ti contents, but it shows limited
compositional range. Biotite composition in the aluminous
granite is close to the theoretical annite end-member.
Whole rock geochemical data suggest that there is a
progression from the syenites to the highly fractionated
granites. With regard to the occurrence and characteristics
of the peralkaline and aluminous granites in particular, it
is concluded that the peralkaline syenites and granites from
Shira are the result of fractional crystallisation from a
basaltic parent, whereas the aluminous rocks are the result
of partial melting in the continental crust.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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