An assessment of surveying, mapping and cartographic procedures in the presentation of features in two unmapped areas: Ölü Deniz and Kidirak National Parks, S.W. Turkey
This thesis examines the problems encountered in the survey, mapping and cartographic reproduction of features in two unmapped National Parks (Olu Deniz and Kidirak) in S.W. Turkey. The role of satellite imagery in modern map production is examined in this context, in both map construction and in combining imagery with field maps produced of the study areas. The methodologies involved in the creation of both field maps and the final cartographic products are discussed. These include the problems of survey without the benefits of modern, bulky survey instruments, and the measures taken to ensure maximum accuracy in both linear and areal dimensions given the inherent problems of the Compass-Traverse technique used. Cartographic procedures and the design problems involved in the transfer of field data to produce a finished full colour map are explained. New technological developments in computer aided cartography are used to produce maps of the parks in both colour and monochrome, at a variety of scales. Limitations of methodology, including legend construction, are discussed and the adjustments required to produce an acceptable end product are explained. Successive editions of the maps were used by a group of Honours Geography students in which biogeographical details and land resource assessments were noted and, where necessary, useful suggestions have been incorporated into the final edition. The possibility of producing a photo-image map using Landsat TM imagery is explored, together with examining the problems of using a Global Positioning System (GPS) to produce a more accurate map. It is concluded that neither offer significant advantages over the methods used in this particular study. Finally the use of these maps as a tool to monitor environmental change and differentiation in the two parks is discussed and the cartographic depiction of change over the 3 year period of survey is demonstrated.
Thesis, MPhil Master of Philosophy
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