Now showing items 11-15 of 63

    • Driven-dissipative spin chain model based on exciton-polariton condensates 

      Sigurdsson, H.; Ramsay, A. J.; Ohadi, H.; Rubo, Y. G.; Liew, T. C.H.; Baumberg, J. J.; Shelykh, I. A. (2017-10-15) - Journal article
      An infinite chain of driven-dissipative condensate spins with uniform nearest-neighbor coherent coupling is solved analytically and investigated numerically. Above a critical occupation threshold the condensates undergo ...
    • Strain-assisted optomechanical coupling of polariton condensate spin to a micromechanical resonator 

      Be'Er, O.; Ohadi, H.; Del Valle-Inclan Redondo, Y.; Ramsay, A. J.; Tsintzos, S. I.; Hatzopoulos, Z.; Savvidis, P. G.; Baumberg, J. J. (2017-12-27) - Journal article
      We report spin and intensity coupling of an exciton-polariton condensate to the mechanical vibrations of a circular membrane microcavity. We optically drive the microcavity resonator at the lowest mechanical resonance ...
    • Surface flux patterns on planets in circumbinary systems and potential for photosynthesis 

      Forgan, Duncan H.; Mead, Alexander; Cockell, Charles S.; Raven, John A. (2015-07-01) - Journal article
      Recently, the Kepler Space Telescope has detected several planets inorbit around a close binary star system. These so-called circumbinary planets will experience non-trivial spatial and temporal distributions of radiative ...
    • Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) : a 'No Smoking' zone for giant elliptical galaxies? 

      Khosroshahi, Habib G.; Raouf, Mojtaba; Miraghaei, Halime; Brough, Sarah; Croton, Darren J.; Driver, Simon; Graham, Alister; Baldry, Ivan; Brown, Michael; Prescott, Matt; Wang, Lingyu (2017-06-20) - Journal article
      We study the radio emission of the most massive galaxies in a sample of dynamically relaxed and unrelaxed galaxy groups from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly survey. The dynamical state of the group is defined by the stellar ...
    • Architecture of the Andromeda galaxy : a quantitative analysis of clustering in the inner stellar halo 

      Kafle, P. R.; Sharma, S.; Robotham, A. S. G.; Lewis, G. F.; Driver, S. P. (2017-02) - Journal article
      We present a quantitative measurement of the amount of clustering present in the inner ∼30 kpc of the stellar halo of the Andromeda galaxy (M31). For this we analyse the angular positions and radial velocities of the ...