Now showing items 1-5 of 49

    • Water bodies : coastal expression in ecocinema practice 

      Booker, Olivia (2025-06-30) - Thesis
      Positioning coastal ecosystems as particularly vulnerable to severe effects of anthropogenic climate change, this thesis develops a framework for an ecocinema practice which shifts focus away from human perspectives by ...
    • Archival interventions : remixing Hungarian film across political regimes 

      Szemetová, Lucia (2025-06-30) - Thesis
      This thesis examines the circulation of archival footage across political regimes in Hungary. It explores the footage’s intricate archiving histories and creative reuse, which are fundamentally interconnected. It focuses ...
    • Unsound visions : phantacusis as visually implied sound in silent film 

      Browne, Jacob (2025-06-30) - Thesis
      Looking back on the ‘silent era’ in cinema as synchronised sound was becoming industry standard, Benjamin Fondane asked: “Did sound lack reality, when it was only in the mind?” Counter-intuitively, sound events were not ...
    • Women's experiences of Bombay cinema, 1920s-1940s 

      Narayanswamy, Shruti (2020-07-27) - Thesis
      This thesis expands on the social history of Indian women’s experiences of cinema in the earlier decades of the Bombay film industry, by focusing on the development of women audiences, strategies of women-centric film ...
    • Bollywood on Bollywood : intertextuality and the rise of digital participatory culture 

      Dutta, Souraj (2020-12-02) - Thesis
      This thesis examines how postmillennial intertextual Bollywood films anticipate audiences’ cinephilic knowledge of and familiarity with the aesthetics of Hindi popular cinema and its stars. I argue that while the use of ...