Social Anthropology Research: Recent submissions
Now showing items 6-10 of 13
Voice, History and Vertigo : Doing justice to the dead through imaginative conversation
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2014-09) - Book item -
Debating irony and the ironic as a social phenomenon and a human capacity
(2014-11) - Journal articleWhat follows is a set of paired articles, followed by a statement by both authors where they debate their distinct positions. Both articles treat irony, but while Rapport looks to it as a possible liberal virtue, a means ... -
What is a schema? : Invited contribution to symposium on Philippe Descola
(2014) - Journal itemComment on Descola, Philippe. 2013. Beyond nature and culture. Translated by Janet Lloyd with a foreword by Marshall Sahlins. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -
The capacities of anyone : accommodating the universal human subject as value and in space
(Berghahn, 2014-03) - Book item -
Sistemas regionais, relações interétnicas e movimentos territoriais : os Tapajó e além na história ameríndia
(2015-08-04) - Journal articleEsse artigo considera o nascimento de um território ameríndio complexo no Baixo Amazonas no final do século XVII. Esse território, identificado pela região dos rios Madeira/Tapajós, pode ser vista como uma zona tribal, ...