Social Anthropology Research
Social Anthropology at St Andrews is internationally renowned for our innovative teaching and cutting-edge research. The Department has a number of academic specialisations, backed up by field work conducted across the globe.
For more information please visit the Department of Social Anthropology home page.
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Recent Submissions
Exclusion and reappropriation: experiences of contemporary enclosure among children in three East Anglian schools
(2016-10-01) - Journal articleTransformations of the landscapes which children inhabit have significant impacts on their lives; yet, due to the limited economic visibility of children’s relationships with place, they have little stake in those ... -
Anthropocene East Anglia
(2017-03-01) - Journal articleAs we find ourselves in a geological epoch of our own making, it becomes necessary to reconsider the temporal scale of ethnographic enquiry; the effect of human behaviour is shown as a mark in deep time. Focusing on the ... -
Human predation and animal sociality : the transformational agency of ‘wolf people’ in Mongolia
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016-11-14) - Book itemThis chapter examines the recent proliferation of ‘wolf people’ following the advent of the Mongolian gold rush. By analysing ethnographic and historical material on the position of wolves in Mongolian cosmology, I demonstrate ... -
John Brown : freedom and imposture in the early twentieth-century trans-Caribbean
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016-12-02) - Book item -
Introduction : testing freedom
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016-12-02) - Book item