Philosophy Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 71-75 of 301
Consequentialism and moral demands
(University of St Andrews, 2006) - ThesisThe aim of this thesis is to outline a form of consequentialism which denies the deeply unintuitive claim that we have a moral obligation to bring about the best consequences we can. Consequentialism should not be understood ... -
Revising logic
(University of St Andrews, 2001) - ThesisIn this thesis I explore the prospects for the revision of classical logic through an analysis of the philosophical arguments offered for and against such change. The body of the thesis is divided into two parts. In Part ... -
Semantic theory and sentential understanding : a discussion of tacit knowledge and compositionality
(University of St Andrews, 1989) - ThesisThis essay is an attempt to look critically at some issues arising from the idea that competent speakers of a natural language can tacitly know an extensionally correct theory of meaning for their language. In the first ... -
Necessity and modal systems: an essay on modal terms
(University of St Andrews, 1971) - ThesisThe purpose of this paper is to determine if our ordinary-language notions of modal terms furnish a basis for the development of modal logics, and if so, how and to what extent. I shall begin by distinguishing the "use" ... -
A defence of Wittgenstein’s radical conventionalism
(University of St Andrews, 2021-06) - ThesisThe first part of this thesis develops a game-theoretic solution to the rule-following paradox, based on Wittgenstein's suggestion in the Philosophical Investigations that to follow a rule is a practice. I introduce the ...