Now showing items 216-220 of 293

    • Carnap's conventionalism : logic, science, and tolerance 

      Friedman-Biglin, Noah (University of St Andrews, 2014-06-26) - Thesis
      In broadest terms, this thesis is concerned to answer the question of whether the view that arithmetic is analytic can be maintained consistently. Lest there be much suspense, I will conclude that it can. Those who ...
    • Logic in theory and in practice : the normative status of logic 

      Celani, Laura (University of St Andrews, 2015-06-25) - Thesis
      In my thesis, I address the question ʽWhat normative status does logic have?', to argue that logical normativity is of a weak sort, and that its constraining power is similar to that of recommendations. The thesis first ...
    • A phenomenological-enactive theory of the minimal self 

      Welch, Brett (University of St Andrews, 2014-06-26) - Thesis
      The purpose of this project is to argue that we possess a minimal self. It will demonstrate that minimal selfhood arrives early in our development and continues to remain and influence us throughout our entire life. There ...
    • On rights and demands : how theorists of rights can benefit from taking demands seriously 

      Ho, Kin Ting (University of St Andrews, 2014-12-01) - Thesis
      This thesis explores the normative significance of making a rights-backed, authorized demand as a right holder. Rights, I argue, enable their holders to make a special kind of demand which comes with a special force. It ...
    • The sensorimotor theory of perceptual experience 

      Silverman, David (University of St Andrews, 2014-12-01) - Thesis
      The sensorimotor theory is an influential, non-mainstream account of perception and perceptual consciousness intended to improve in various ways on orthodox theories. It is often taken to be a variety of enactivism, and ...