Now showing items 111-115 of 301

    • "You want me to do what?!" : a reasonable response to overly demanding moral theories 

      Slater, Joe (University of St Andrews, 2018) - Thesis
      This thesis is about demandingness objections. It is claimed that various moral theories ask too much of moral agents, and for that reason should be rejected or modified accordingly. In the first chapter, I consider what ...
    • Assertion : the context sensitivity dilemma 

      Simionescu, Mona Ioana (University of St Andrews, 2018) - Thesis
      It looks as though many philosophers assume that the intuitive variability of proper assertion with practical stakes motivates the following dilemma: either (1) we embrace a knowledge norm of assertion (KNA), and are forced ...
    • Exploratio intentionis 

      Crawford, J. M. B. (University of St Andrews, 1986) - Thesis
    • Entitlement in mathematics 

      Pedersen, Nikolaj J. (University of St Andrews, 2005) - Thesis
      This first half of this thesis investigates the epistemological foundations of mathematical theories, with special attention devoted to two questions: (1) how can we have a warrant for the satisfiability and consistency ...
    • The context principle and implicit definitions : towards an account of our a priori knowledge of arithmetic 

      Ebert, Philip A. (University of St Andrews, 2005) - Thesis
      This thesis is concerned with explaining how a subject can acquire a priori knowledge of arithmetic. Every account for arithmetical, and in general mathematical knowledge faces Benacerraf's well-known challenge, i.e. how ...