Philosophy Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-105 of 301
Quantifier expressions and information structure
(University of St Andrews, 2019-06-24) - ThesisLinguists and philosophers of language have shown increasing interest in the expressions that refer to quantifiers: determiners like ‘every’ and ‘many’, in addition to determiner phrases like ‘some king’ and ‘no cat’. This ... -
Refugee law and states' obligations
(University of St Andrews, 2016-06-23) - ThesisThe current legal definition of the term ‘refugee’ fails to recognise the centrality of refugees’ hardship and in doing so draws morally arbitrary distinctions between different types of refugees. I use Wiggins’ 1987 paper ... -
Personal identity and practical reason
(University of St Andrews, 2018-06-28) - ThesisIn this thesis, I argue that the interdependence between personal identity and practical concerns is overstated. In paradigmatic places where philosophers and common sense suggest that personal identity constrains how we ... -
Invariance and intensionality : new perspectives on logicality
(University of St Andrews, 2018-12-07) - ThesisWhat are logical notions? According to a very popular proposal, a logical notion is something invariant under some “transformation” of objects, usually permutations or isomorphisms. The first chapter is about extending ... -
The dual nature of causation : two necessary and jointly sufficient conditions
(University of St Andrews, 2018-06-28) - ThesisIn this dissertation, I propose a reductive account of causation. This account may be stated as follows: Causation: 𝘤 is a cause of 𝘦 within a possibility horizon ℋ iff a) 𝘤 is process-connected to 𝘦, and b) 𝘦 ...