Place-names, land and lordship in the medieval earldom of Strathearn
The first aim of this thesis is to present a comprehensive toponymic
listing and analysis for six parishes of Western Strathearn, and this
is done in Part One where approximately 2500 place-names are
considered. The medieval parishes of BQR, COM, TEX, MUT, MZX and MXZ
form a continuous, largely upland, area, topographically distinct from
the Strathearn parishes to the east, and with the exception of
Innerpeffray (part of MXZ, see esp. Part Two, Appendix 1b) somewhat
less affected, in the 12c to 14c at least, by inward migration of
Anglo-Norman and other non-Gaelic groups or individuals. Thus we might
expect this western area to be the most conservative part of an earldom
that Cynthia Neville has characterised as conservative and insular as
late as 13c when compared to other major Scottish earldoms and
lordships (Neville 1983, eg vol i, 156, Neville 2000, 76).
The core lands of the more easterly medieval parish of FOW were
subjected to the same comprehensive toponymic analysis. Though that
toponymic material could not be included for reasons of space, it has
contributed, along with the material from the six parishes covered in
the gazetteers below, to the second main aspect of the thesis, the
discussion of lordship and land organisation in Part Two. In Part Two
will also be found an introduction to the earldom of Strathearn and a
discussion of a number of aspects of its history, as well as appendices
giving additional information relevant to the topics discussed in the
body of the thesis.
The parish unit was chosen as the basis for the organisation of this
thesis since John Rogers (Rogers 1992, esp. 125-7) has shown the
fundamental link between the form of the ecclesiastical parishes, whose
creation was complete by 12c, and pre-existing units of land usually
referred to as multiple estates, a multiple estate being a group of
individual estates, not necessarily contiguous, organised and operated
as a coherent social, tenurial and economic unit. As Rogers puts it,
multiple estates were essentially units of lordship, taking the form of
a principal settlement or caput with a number of dependent settlements.
They contained within their bounds all the resources required to
support their economies and to produce the necessary renders.
Accordingly they were arranged in the landscape to exploit those
resources, a process which often produced irregular geographical forms,
including areas detached from the main body of the estate. This process
frequently led to a specialisation of function, such as the management
of pasture, amongst the component settlements.
Jones (1976) discusses the multiple estate in the context of the early
British Isles, Dodgshon (1981, esp. 58ff) in a Scottish context. The
latter writer says (op. cit., 58) that in their variety of scale,
multiple estates have often been likened to a parish, though some were
undoubtedly larger, adding that lordship was exercised over them by a
tribal chief, a king or a feudal baron.
Many of these characteristics will be found relevant to the discussion
of land organisation and lordship in Part Two.
In our present state of knowledge, then, the medieval parishes are the
best representation we have of the patterns of land organisation in
Strathearn as they may have been in the time of the late Pictish and
early Scottish kingdoms.
A practical demonstration of the relevance of parish boundaries lies in
the fact that it is rare indeed to find a settlement place-name whose
area of reference straddles the boundary of a medieval parish. It is
overwhelmingly within the context of the original parish that the
place-names of an area have coherence and are most likely to give up
their secrets.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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