Scottish History Theses
The Department of Scottish History offers a range of degree programmes and other study opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The history of Scotland during the mediaeval and modern periods is taught with an emphasis on the European and British contexts which have shaped the indigenous culture and institutions of the country.
For more information please visit the School of History home page.
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Recent Submissions
Scottish military involvement in the Dutch Revolt, c.1572-1609
(2025-07-02) - ThesisThis thesis examines the military involvement of Scotland in the Dutch Revolt, arguing that between c.1570 and 1609 Scotland’s principal military partnership was with the emergent Dutch Republic. Scotland’s military ... -
The relations between James VI and I and Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy
(University of St Andrews, 1942) - Thesis -
Troubled waters : the impact of North Sea oil in British politics, 1964-1979
(2023-06-15) - ThesisThis thesis aims to explore the reactions of politicians to the discovery and development of North Sea oil in the United Kingdom between 1964 and 1979. In doing so, it attempts to consider why North Sea oil has largely ... -
'Tied up with pink ribbons' : repression, counterculture and Scottish national identity, c.1926-c.1967
(University of St Andrews, 2021-12-01) - ThesisThis thesis unearths the radical debate about Scottish national identity that took place in Scotland between 1926 and 1967, and it labels this period the ‘Long Renaissance’. Employing the innovative lenses of culture, sex ... -
The too-much-married man : male bigamy prosecutions in Scotland, 1837-1901
(University of St Andrews, 2021-12-01) - ThesisThis thesis provides the first research into male bigamy in Scotland, examining criminal prosecutions between 1837 and 1901. Drawing on the records of the criminal courts, newspapers and a variety of other sources, it ...