Now showing items 41-45 of 76

    • Dimension theory of random self-similar and self-affine constructions 

      Troscheit, Sascha (University of St Andrews, 2017-06-23) - Thesis
      This thesis is structured as follows. Chapter 1 introduces fractal sets before recalling basic mathematical concepts from dynamical systems, measure theory, dimension theory and probability theory. In Chapter 2 we give ...
    • Restricted permutations, antichains, atomic classes and stack sorting 

      Murphy, Maximilian M. (University of St Andrews, 2003) - Thesis
      Involvement is a partial order on all finite permutations, of infinite dimension and having subsets isomorphic to every countable partial order with finite descending chains. It has attracted the attention of some celebrated ...
    • Multifractal zeta functions 

      Mijović, Vuksan (University of St Andrews, 2017-06-23) - Thesis
      Multifractals have during the past 20 − 25 years been the focus of enormous attention in the mathematical literature. Loosely speaking there are two main ingredients in multifractal analysis: the multifractal spectra and ...
    • Generating "large" subgroups and subsemigroups 

      Jonušas, Julius (University of St Andrews, 2016) - Thesis
      In this thesis we will be exclusively considering uncountable groups and semigroups. Roughly speaking the underlying problem is to find “large” subgroups (or subsemigroups) of the object in question, where we consider ...
    • Synchronizing permutation groups and graph endomorphisms 

      Schaefer, Artur (University of St Andrews, 2016) - Thesis
      The current thesis is focused on synchronizing permutation groups and on graph endo- morphisms. Applying the implicit classification of rank 3 groups, we provide a bound on synchronizing ranks of rank 3 groups, at first. ...