Now showing items 1-5 of 76

    • Faithful semigroup diagram representations of homeomorphism groups 

      Stott, Liam Kevin (2024-12-03) - Thesis
      In this thesis we investigate two different classes of objects. The first is the class of Dénes cycles of a tree; we show a ‘strong’ correspondence between such cycles and certain partial orders on the edges of the tree. ...
    • Volume rigidity of simplicial complexes 

      Southgate, Jack Oliver (2024-12-03) - Thesis
      This thesis develops a theory of rigidity of frameworks of simplicial complexes subject to maximal-simplex-volume constraints inspired by the well-studied theory of rigidity of frameworks of graphs subject to edge-length ...
    • Disjoint and external partial difference families and cyclotomy 

      Johnson, Laura (2024-12-03) - Thesis
      In this Thesis, we introduce two new combinatorial objects known as Disjoint Partial Difference Families and External Partial Difference Families: these objects generalise Disjoint Difference Families (DDFs), External ...
    • Statistical properties and rare events for chaotic dynamical systems 

      Couto, Raquel (2024-12-03) - Thesis
      The application of Extreme Value Theory to Dynamical Systems has been a topic of interest for a few years now (see the influential work in [FFT10] which built on [Col01] and [FF08]) opening up a whole new framework for the ...
    • Assouad-type dimensions and the local geometry of fractal sets 

      Rutar, Alex (2024-12-03) - Thesis
      We study the fine local scaling properties of rough or irregular subsets of a metric space. In particular, we consider the classical Assouad dimension as well as two variants: a scale-refined variant called the Assouad ...