Applied Mathematics Research
Areas of particularly strong research activity are: numerical analysis, plasma physics, solar and magnetospheric theory, and vortex dynamics.
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Recent Submissions
Wave of chaos in a spatial eco-epidemiological system : generating realistic patterns of patchiness in rabbit-lynx dynamics
(2016-11) - Journal articleIn the present paper, we propose and analyse an eco-epidemiological model with diffusion to study the dynamics of rabbit populations which are consumed by lynx populations. Existence, boundedness, stability and bifurcation ... -
Spatial variation in boundary conditions can govern selection and location of eyespots in butterfly wings
(Springer, 2017) - Book itemDespite being the subject of widespread study, many aspects of the development of eyespot patterns in butterfly wings remain poorly understood. In this work, we examine, through numerical simulations, a mathematical model ... -
Erwin Schrödinger and quantum wave mechanics
(2017-08-22) - Journal articleThe fathers of matrix quantum mechanics believed that the quantum particles are unanschaulich (unvisualizable) and that quantum particles pop into existence only when we measure them. Challenging the orthodoxy, in 1926 ... -
Hα and EUV observations of a partial CME
(2015-05-12) - Journal articleWe have obtained Hα high spatial and time resolution observations of the upper solar chromosphere and supplemented these with multi-wavelength observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the Hinode ... -
Detection of supersonic downflows and associated heating events in the transition region above sunspots
(2014-06-27) - Journal articleInterface Region Imaging Spectrograph data allow us to study the solar transition region (TR) with an unprecedented spatial resolution of 0″33. On 2013 August 30, we observed bursts of high Doppler shifts suggesting strong ...