Now showing items 56-60 of 90

    • The maximal subgroups of the classical groups in dimension 13, 14 and 15 

      Schröder, Anna Katharina (University of St Andrews, 2015-11-30) - Thesis
      One might easily argue that the Classification of Finite Simple Groups is one of the most important theorems of group theory. Given that any finite group can be deconstructed into its simple composition factors, it is ...
    • Dots and lines : geometric semigroup theory and finite presentability 

      Awang, Jennifer S. (University of St Andrews, 2015-06-26) - Thesis
      Geometric semigroup theory means different things to different people, but it is agreed that it involves associating a geometric structure to a semigroup and deducing properties of the semigroup based on that structure. ...
    • Cayley automaton semigroups 

      McLeman, Alexander Lewis Andrew (University of St Andrews, 2015-06-26) - Thesis
      Let S be a semigroup, C(S) the automaton constructed from the right Cayley graph of S with respect to all of S as the generating set and ∑(C(S)) the automaton semigroup constructed from C(S). Such semigroups are ...
    • Maximal subsemigroups of the semigroup of all mappings on an infinite set 

      East, J.; Mitchell, James David; Péresse, Y. (2015-03-01) - Journal article
      In this paper we classify the maximal subsemigroups of the full transformation semigroup ΩΩ, which consists of all mappings on the infinite set Ω, containing certain subgroups of the symmetric group Sym (Ω) on Ω. In 1965 ...
    • The effect of slip length on vortex rebound from a rigid boundary 

      Sutherland, D.; Macaskill, C.; Dritschel, D.G. (2013-09-23) - Journal article
      The problem of a dipole incident normally on a rigid boundary, for moderate to large Reynolds numbers, has recently been treated numerically using a volume penalisation method by Nguyen van yen, Farge, and Schneider [Phys. ...