Now showing items 26-30 of 90

    • Orderings on words and permutations 

      McDevitt, Matthew (University of St Andrews, 2019-12-03) - Thesis
      Substructure orderings are ubiquitous throughout combinatorics and all of mathematics. In this thesis we consider various orderings on words, as well as the consecutive involvement ordering on permutations. Throughout ...
    • Assouad type dimensions and dimension spectra 

      Yu, Han (University of St Andrews, 2019-12-03) - Thesis
      In the first part of this thesis we introduce a new dimension spectrum motivated by the Assouad dimension; a familiar notion of dimension which, for a given metric space, returns the minimal exponent α ≥ 0 such that for ...
    • Semigroup congruences : computational techniques and theoretical applications 

      Torpey, Michael (University of St Andrews, 2019-06-25) - Thesis
      Computational semigroup theory is an area of research that is subject to growing interest. The development of semigroup algorithms allows for new theoretical results to be discovered, which in turn informs the creation ...
    • Maximal subsemigroups of finite transformation and diagram monoids 

      East, James; Kumar, Jitender; Mitchell, James D.; Wilson, Wilf A. (2018-06-15) - Journal article
      We describe and count the maximal subsemigroups of many well-known transformation monoids, and diagram monoids, using a new unified framework that allows the treatment of several classes of monoids simultaneously. The ...
    • Computing maximal subsemigroups of a finite semigroup 

      Donoven, C. R.; Mitchell, J. D.; Wilson, W. A. (2018-07-01) - Journal article
      A proper subsemigroup of a semigroup is maximal if it is not contained in any other proper subsemigroup. A maximal subsemigroup of a finite semigroup has one of a small number of forms, as described in a paper of Graham, ...