Management Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 91-95 of 107
Pursuing sustainability : an exploratory study of organisations that have environmental missions
(University of St Andrews, 2011-06-22) - ThesisNumerous management scholars argue that management theory is anthropocentric and considers humans as being separate from the environment. Further anthropocentrism does not enable theory and organisations to contribute to ... -
Enacting social accounting within a community enterprise : actualising hermeneutic conversation
(University of St Andrews, 2010) - ThesisThe research was carried out using a participatory action research approach to develop social accounts with Jesmond Swimming Pool (JSP). The original motivation to carry out this project was to see what social accounts ... -
The relationship between stock market returns and inflation : new evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
(University of St Andrews, 2010-06-24) - ThesisThe literature investigating the relationship between stock market returns and inflation is long and has produced diverse findings. This thesis examines the nature of stock–inflation relations in Sub-Saharan countries whose ... -
Three essays on the value premium : can investors capture the promised rewards?
(University of St Andrews, 2010-06-11) - ThesisA consensus exists in the body of academic literature that stocks with high BE/ME characteristics outperform stocks with low BE/ME characteristics. Researchers disagree, however, as to the cause of the phenomenon. Two ... -
Essays in long memory: evidence from African stock markets
(University of St Andrews, 2010-06-17) - ThesisThis thesis explores various aspects of long memory behaviour in African stock markets (ASMs). First, we examine long memory in both equity returns and volatility using the weak-form version of the efficient market ...