International Relations Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 16-20 of 315
Peace cartels : internationally brokered power-sharing and perpetual oligarchy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia
(2021-06-29) - ThesisInternational actors seeking to end violent conflicts often broker consociational power- sharing agreements to bring peace and manage conflict. The Dayton Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995) and the Ohrid ... -
Giovanni Gentile : the heir of the Risorgimento
(2021-06-29) - ThesisThis thesis offers a novel interpretation of Giovanni Gentile (1875-1944) as the ‘Heir of the Risorgimento’. While Gentile is mostly neglected in the Anglophone scholarship, existing literature tends to focus exclusively ... -
The role of survivors and victims' organizations in shaping transformative transitional justice in Colombia
(2019-12-03) - ThesisMore than 50 years of armed conflict in Colombia has left eight and a half million victims, the vast majority of whom were unknown, rejected and neglected by society and the state. However, victims and survivors themselves ... -
Explaining Syria's coping with economic sanctions : the interaction of international and domestic factors
(2020-12-01) - ThesisThis thesis seeks to explain the dynamics that shape the outcome of a sanctions episode and how ruling regimes in the target country endure the impact of economic sanctions. The thesis aims at bridging the gap in the ... -
'After the dust settles' : the experiences of local peace and reconciliation organisations in post-Agreement Northern Ireland. A case study of the Corrymeela Community
(University of St Andrews, 2020-07-28) - ThesisUsing the case study of the Corrymeela Community (Corrymeela) in Northern Ireland, this thesis examines the experiences of Peace and Reconciliation Organisations (PROs) after peace agreements are implemented and funders ...