Modern Languages Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 11-15 of 71
Terry's Mexico (1909) and the early tourist guidebook : a case study
(2023-06-16) - ThesisAbstract redacted -
Responding to war: peace activism, WWI literature, and remembrance
(2023-06-16) - ThesisThis interdisciplinary thesis is based on six months of multi-sited fieldwork with the Machine Gun Corps Old Comrades’ Association (MGC/OCA) in the UK and Voices for Creative NonViolence (VCNV) in the UK and the US, and ... -
Paul Valéry's politics of hesitation : Europe, myth and the voice of the other
(2022-06-17) - ThesisThis thesis studies Paul Valéry's idea of literary practice and how it relates to the political. To this end, it explores his engagement with the myths of Narcissus and Faust. Valéry is a thinker who contemplates the ... -
The acquisition of Bradford English dialect features by adult speakers of Pakistani heritage
(2022-11-30) - ThesisThis thesis examines the multiple linguistic and social factors that condition dialect acquisition in second-language speakers of English living in Bradford, UK. More specifically, it provides a quantitative analysis of ... -
Federico García Lorca’s poetry in English : translating the margins
(2021-12-01) - ThesisFederico García Lorca (1898-1936) boasts a rich textual afterlife through translation. Thus far, academic research has largely neglected the study of the translated texts themselves, particularly the repeated renderings ...