International Relations Research
Our research is focused around three broad themes: conflict, peace and security; the evolving character of global and supra-national institutions; and the interpenetration of civil societies and international relations. In addition we have major strengths in area studies which help to ground our research into these broad thematic areas. Some of this activity is carried out under the umbrella of our various research centres, some within other collaborative contexts both within and outside the university, and some by individual researchers.
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Recent Submissions
Taking partly free voters seriously : autocratic response to voter preferences in Armenia and Georgia
(2017) - Journal articleDo voters matter in competitive authoritarian regimes and, if so, how? Do their preferences make any difference in the way in which the regime conceives policies and goes about policy-making? In this article we show that ... -
The problem of ideology
(2016-05-30) - Journal articleThis article discusses the role of ideology in International Relations. It seeks to rectify potential weaknesses in any ideological analysis using two approaches. Firstly, applying a more thorough and precise definition ... -
Rules, power and constitutions : following Onuf
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017-05-23) - Book itemThis chapter explores the role of power in the theory of global constitutionalism. It draws on the work of Nicholas Onuf, whose launched constructivist IR theory. It borrows from Onuf the idea of rules and rule making, but ... -
The role of civil society actors in peacemaking : the case of Guatemala
(2017-04-24) - Journal articleThis article builds upon recent scholarship in critical peace studies that focuses on the role of civil society actors in formal peacemaking processes, in short, peace talks, and post-conflict peacebuilding. The article ... -
Preserving power after empire : the credibility trap and France's intervention in Chad, 1968-72
(2018-09-20) - Journal articleFrance’s 1968–72 intervention in Chad constitutes a forgotten turning point in the Fifth Republic’s foreign relations. Interconnected institutions and treaties gave France a disproportionate influence over its African ...