Now showing items 11-15 of 337

    • Policing and vagrancy in international political theory 

      Gorby, Paul (2024-12-03) - Thesis
      Despite the ubiquity of police power in contemporary politics and its importance in the history of political order, international political thought has paid remarkably little attention to policing. Drawing on Continental ...
    • The metamorphosis of Syria's oppositional civil society 

      Al-Om, Tamara Natalie (2021-06-29) - Thesis
      This research seeks to understand the changing nature of Syria’s oppositional civil society, notably following the uprising in 2011. As such, the main research question of this thesis is Has Syrian civil society changed ...
    • Title redacted 

      Bruder, Jason Edward (2020-07-28) - Thesis
      Abstract redacted
    • Title redacted 

      Schwarze, Tilman (2020-12-01) - Thesis
      Abstract redacted
    • A 'new beginning' for what? The strained peace of inter-referendum Northern Ireland (1998-2016) 

      Hall, Amanda Lynn (2020-12-01) - Thesis
      The Good Friday Agreement of April 1998 declared itself “a truly historic opportunity for a new beginning,” ending thirty years of identity-based conflict between opposing communities in Northern Ireland – a new beginning ...