Statistics Masters Theses
The statistics division has research interests in 3 main areas: wildlife population assessment, ecological and environmental modelling, and statistical inference.
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Recent Submissions
Nonlinear mixed effect models for modeling initial viral decay rates in an HIV study
(2008-11-27) - ThesisThe Nonlinear Mixed Effect Viral Dynamic Model can easily handle unbalanced repeated and continuous measures data for individuals and is also popular in many other research areas such as biology and pharmacokinetics. Wu ... -
Density estimation and time trend analysis of large herbivores in Nagarhole, India
(2005) - ThesisDensity estimates for six large herbivore species were obtained through analysis of line transect data from Nagarhole National Park, south-western India, collected between 1989 and 2000. These species were Chital (Axis ... -
Models of random wildlife movement with an application to distance sampling
(2007) - ThesisIn this paper we present three models of random wildlife movement: a one dimensional model of wildlife-observer encounters on roads, an analogous two dimensional model, and an further two-dimensional model that borrows ... -
Designing a shipboard line transect survey to estimate cetacean abundance off the Azores Archipelago, Portugal
(2008) - ThesisManagement schemes dedicated to the conservation of wildlife populations rely on the effective monitoring of population size, and this requires the accurate and precise estimation of abundance. The accuracy and precision ... -
Behavioural changes of a long-ranging diver in response to oceanographic conditions
(2007) - ThesisThe development of an animal-borne instrument that can record oceanographic measurements (CTD-SRDL) has enabled the collection of oceanographic data at a scale relevant to the counterpart behavioural data, both in time and ...