Divinity: Recent submissions
Now showing items 46-50 of 635
The Son of Man overthrows Babylon and builds the eschatological temple in fulfillment of Cyrus’s Decree : Matthew 28:18–20’s combined allusions to OG Daniel 4:14(17), OG Daniel 7:13–14, and 2 Chronicles 36:23
(2023-11-29) - ThesisThe focus of this study is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20). I argue that Matthew here combines allusions to Old Greek (OG) Daniel 4:14(17), OG Daniel 7:14, and 2 Chronicles 36:23. The possibility of these connections ... -
From Joseph to Jesus : the Joseph narrative as a compositional template from Old Greek Esther to the Gospel of Luke
(2023-11-29) - ThesisIn this thesis I argue that the writers of the OG of Esther and the Gospel of Luke employ the narrative paradigm established in the Joseph narrative—which is developed further in the later literature of the Hebrew Bible ... -
Erosion of the Holy Spirit's gift of faith and assurance : Samuel Rutherford's departure from the Reformation
(2023-11-29) - ThesisA variety of studies describe and explain the development of the ways in which the relationship between faith and assurance is viewed within the Reformed tradition. Attempts have been made to try to lessen the severity of ... -
The poetics of the human in the work of Rowan Williams
(2023-11-29) - ThesisIn this thesis, I advance Rowan Williams as a significant analogical theologian and sophisticated hermeneut of the Christian tradition on the human. He is a figure unusually sensitive to the poetic valences of theologia ... -
Anselm on evil and sin : an analysis and constructive retrieval
(2023-11-29) - ThesisIn this thesis, I provide the first systematic analysis of Anselm’s doctrines of evil and sin; I also demonstrate that Anselm’s thinking in this regard has import for contemporary theology. To provide such an analysis and ...