Computer Science Theses
All of our academic staff are research active, working with a team of post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers and a lively population of research students. Our research focuses on core themes of theoretical and practical computer science: artificial intelligence and symbolic computation, networked and distributed systems, systems engineering, and human computer interaction.
For more information please visit the School of Computer science home page.
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Recent Submissions
Distributed machine learning on Edge computing systems
(2024-12-03) - ThesisThe demand for distributed machine learning (DML) systems, which distribute training workloads across multiple nodes, has surged over the past decade due to the rapid growth of datasets and computational requirements. ... -
Collaborative feedback controls for transport and application layers in dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH)
(2024-12-03) - ThesisVideo streaming dominates traffic on the global Internet. User Quality of Experience (QoE) is managed by Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) players that request and retrieve bitrates of varying quality according ... -
Model agnostic interpretability
(2024-12-03) - ThesisThis thesis explores the development and application of model-agnostic interpretability methods for deep neural networks. I introduce novel techniques for interpreting trained models irrespective of their architecture, ... -
Enhancing privacy for secure Internet communications using ILNP
(2024-12-03) - ThesisAbstract redacted